Testing Laboratory

Adhesive Testing

PFS TECO provides a wide scope of adhesive testing, most of which is construction adhesive (subfloor and deck), with a successful listing program including many household names in adhesive manufacture. We are also equipped to perform a wide range of structural adhesive testing including shear block, creep, and delamination. Typical reported values are wood/adhesive failure percentages, amount of delamination, ultimate load values, moisture content, and specific gravity.

Our labs are accredited by IAS to perform adhesive testing in conformance with the following standards:

  • ASTM Standards D905, D906, D1002, D1101, D1183, D2294, D2559, D3110, D3498, D3535, D4688, D5572, D5751, D6464, D7247
  • ASTM Standard C557
  • APA Standard AFG-01
  • AITC Standard 200
  • CSA Standard 0112-M Series 1977
  • CSA Standard 0112.9-04