Building Products

Formaldehyde Emission Certification

Product Certification

PFS TECO is an approved third-party certifier (TPC #3) of composite wood products. Our certification program covers both the California formaldehyde emission law (known as the “CARB regulation”) and the US EPA’s formaldehyde emission regulation under TSCA Title VI. We offer:

  • Certification services for manufacturers
  • Consulting and testing for projects that lead to ULEF or NAF exemptions
  • Testing and assistance for renewals of ULEF or NAF exemptions
  • Testing and assistance for importers and fabricators to verify compliance of suppliers


For more information about PFS TECO’s formaldehyde emission testing capabilities, please visit our Formaldehyde Testing page.

Contact us to see what PFS TECO can do for you:

Dan Hovanec — Certification Director